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Zollabzeichen auf einer grünen Jacke

Deutsches Zollabzeichen, © Bundeszollverwaltung

04.12.2017 - Artikel

The German Customs Authority “Zoll” may be contacted for all questions regarding the import and export of goods to and from Germany.

Information on restricted items

Although there are certain reliefs in the clearance of goods in the travellers’ personal baggage you may not carry with you all goods and products in passenger traffic without any limitations. The importation and exportation of certain goods is restricted and possible only under certain conditions (e.g. previous permission). For some products absolute import and export prohibitions apply.

Travelling with cash

When entering from a non-European Union state you must notify the competent customs office in writing of any cash to the value of 10,000 or more euros that you are bringing with you.

Travelling with pets
Travelling with pets © German Embassy

Rules on entering the European Union (EU) with dogs, cats and ferrets

The rules of Regulation (EU) no. 576/2013 have applied to the entry with dogs, cats and ferrets from non-EU countries (so-called third countries) since 29 December 2014. These regulations aim to provide protection against the introduction and spread of rabies.

For more information please refer to the information on the website of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture

Further information

Information regarding all customs related questions, i.e. duties, taxes and restictions should be retrieved directly from the website of the German Customs Authority - Zoll Deutschland.

German Customs Authority - Zoll Deutschland

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