
German Development Cooperation in Malawi


From Malawi's early years on, right after the country gained independence in 1964, Germany has been a close friend and reliable partner. Germany remains committed to contribute to poverty reduction as well as inclusive and sustainable growth.

Germany provides support through bilateral, regional and multilateral governmental development cooperation, as well as in cooperation with non-governmental organisations (NGO), churches, volunteer services and the private sector.

The current focal areas of bilateral financial and technical cooperation are:

  • Private Sector Development in Rural Areas
  • Health and Social Protection
  • Public Financial and Economic Management
  • Food and Nutrition Security, Food Systems Transformation

The implementation of bilateral development cooperation is realised by KfW Development Bank and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) as implementing organisations, on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

The German Embassy in Malawi is responsible for the political dialogue with the Malawi government and to coordinate German support in Malawi with other development partners in the country. Besides support to small grant projects, it is a focal point for questions from German NGO which are partnering with local NGO in the country.

In addition, Malawi is benefiting significantly from German support through regional and multilateral cooperation. One particularly important partner of Germany's regional cooperation is the Southern African Development Community (SADC)

Fact Sheet

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