
Non-Governmental Organisations in Malawi


Non-governmental organisations are a manifestation of civil-society involvement both in partner and in donor countries.

Non-Governmental Organisations in Malawi

The term “non-governmental organisations”, or NGOs, basically covers all associations or groups which are independent of government or state bodies and have a common interest, without themselves pursuing commercial aims. Some typical and important fields of NGO activities include development, the environment and human rights.

NGOs are either funded by private donations or get financial support through Governments.
Information about Government funding for German NGOs is available at BENGO.


Easy access to water for Mponela
Easy access to water for Mponela © S.Schlegel, AA

The German Government has been cooperating with the Protestant and Catholic churches on development cooperation since 1962. The Protestant and the Catholic “Zentralstellen für Entwicklungshilfe” (EZE and KZE) were founded to organise the implementation of these development programmes. Both churches decide independently of the Government which programmes and projects they are going to support. The implementation of programmes for the Catholic church is conducted by MISEREOR. For the Protestant church, “Bread against Misery” is the implementing agency. In Malawi, both MISEREOR and “Bread against Misery” are conducting projects.

Brot für die Welt

Political Foundations

Political foundations are also active in development cooperation, especially when it comes to society and social welfare, thus helping develop and strengthen democratic structures as well as encourage ecologically sustainable and socially just economic development. Political foundations are each linked to a particular political party. None of Germany’s political foundations is at present represented by an office in Malawi. Nevertheless, some of the foundations do invite Malawian nationals to participate in their regional programmes.

Political foundations with relations to Malawi

German NGOs present in Malawi

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